To support its new building project, the district of Spiesen is relying on the trusted services of LEG Saar, Saarland’s state development company, in cooperation with LEG Service. The state development company will act here as a trustee, business developer and project manager.
The construction project’s schedule envisages over the next six months first modelling the site before then stating to insert the utilities, which is expected in September. Heinz Peter Klein, authorised signatory at LEG Saar, expects it will take around eleven months to prepare the residential area and around 18 months for the commercial estate. The former should be complete in August 2017. Construction work for the commercial estate will finish in spring 2018.
The total of €7 million that it will cost to develop Truckenbrunnen will mostly be covered by the land owners. The state will provide €1.2 million and the local authority will have to cover around a quarter. The Town Hall has stated that the division of the residential plots has already started.
The future inhabitants of the area surrounded by Spieser Wood include a young family who currently live in Stuttgart and would love to move to “Truckenbrunnen” at Spiesen.
en an den „Truckenbrunnen“ ziehen würde.