
November 2017

New customer service center in Saarland

In the presence of State Secretary of Economic Affairs Jürgen Barke, Pirmasens-based service center SympaTel Telemarketing officially opens its new operation in Saarland on october 18. Just now, the service provider is moving to its new location of over 700 sq.m. in the Union Center (former T-Systems building) at the Saarbrücken Neugrabenweg. With over 100 jobs that shall be created this brings a fresh breeze to the call center location Saarland.


Positive development of the service location Saarland

State Secretary Jürgen Barke is pleased: `The service location Saarland could attract a top player of dialogue marketing. For 25 years by now, SympaTel has been successful on the market. With its broad portfolio the company serves the whole German-speaking area and has increased its corporate strength from originally 15 to presently 750 collaborates. Now, it has decided to become relocated on the Saar – another proof that prerequisites in Saarland are excellent: From the location that is optimal from the Saarland- as well as cross-border perspective to the proven qualification of staff by the CallCenter Akademie. Especially encouraging are the 100 new jobs that shall be created.

To symbolize a good start of the new operation, State Secretary Jürgen Barke and SympaTel´s Managing Director Marc Oestreicher cut the red ribbon together with Site Manager Kerstin Zeyer. Managing Director Oestreicher is glad about the new start in Saarbrücken: `Measured by gwSaar´s preparatory and start-up support that has eased and, before all, accelerated all processes in Saarland for us, our future here in Saarland should actually be very prosperous. In the next few years, we will need new search markets for personnel. With its big catchment area and proximity to France our decision for the university town of Saarbrücken is self-explanatory. And it should also be easy to find versed casual staff here.`


Qualified service center training

In addition, the center recruits trainees which, before their employment at the Saarbrücken Neugrabenweg, are presently still attending a technical communications training at the Callcenter Akademie Saarland. Mediated by the Agentur für Arbeit Saarland the training project provides another opportunity for young professionals. The good cooperation among job center, call center and Akademie is of real benefit for both the trainees and SympaTel. Furthermore, the new site management – experts from the corporate headquarters in Pirmasens – provides full instruction on contents for the `newbies` in Saarbrücken.

The rented area currently comprises 42 workplaces. In the final expansion stage, there will be room for 70 employees. As people are working in shifts the workstations can, at optimal utilization of workload, be occupied about two times a day.


The SympaTel Telemarketing Service Center

For 25 years, SympaTel has been operating successfully on the market. Almost ten million processed calls, over two million outbound addresses, about 500,000 processed emails, over 10,000 chat and social media contacts and 400,000 postal customer contacts annually illustrate the positive corporate development.

The service company focusses its activities on dialogue marketing, and specifically on written customer care and customer care by phone. Among its clients are mailorder companies such as K-Mail Order (Klingel Group), Peter Hahn, Bader as well as tour operators. Its four German operations are located in Pirmasens (headquarters), Kaiserslautern, Nuremberg and Saarbrücken.
